📘 Definition
Activities, Installations, Works, Projects (Aiot) include installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE) and Installations, Works, Projects, Activities (Iota). They can have impacts (water, air and soil pollution, etc.) and present dangers (fire, explosion, etc.) for the environment. For these reasons, they are subject to specific regulations.
To find out whether a project is an ICPE, the ICPE nomenclature must be consulted.
If the risk to the environment is lower, the installation is subject to declaration.
The registration regime differs from the authorisation regime in that the requirements applicable to the installations can be standardised.
If the project is covered by an authorisation (A), registration (E), declaration (D and DC) or declaration (D) regime, it is an ICPE. This nomenclature also determines whether the installations are concerned by major accident hazards (Seveso high or low threshold) or by the directive on industrial emissions (IED).
An ICPE is operated or owned by a natural or legal person, public or private. It may be a factory, a Seveso facility, a quarry, a waste storage facility, an onshore wind farm, a farm...
📄 Checkpoints
- Document on the letterhead of the prefecture
- Date and signature of the prefect or his representative
- Name of the company
Please note that this document contains several pages (variable)