⚠️ AGESSA and MDA no longer exist since 01/01/2020 and have been replaced by URSSAF ARTISTE AUTEUR.⚠️
📄 Documents and checkpoints
Certificate of provision of social declaration
- Identification number: SIRET (14 digits) identical to the SIRET number of the Provigis account
- Company name
- The date of validity indicated, generally, in the "Certificate of collection union" insert. Your certificate must be less than 6 months old.
Certificate of provision of social declaration
- Identification number: SIRET (14 digits) identical to the SIRET number of the Provigis account
- Company name
- The date of validity indicated, generally, in the "Certificate of collection union" insert. Your certificate must be less than 6 months old.
Certificate of social declaration (ASSOCIATION)
- Identification number: RNA (W+9 digits) identical to the RNA number of the Provigis account (see Company Identity)
- Company name
- The validity date. Your certificate must be less than 6 months old.
👉 Advance payment certificate
Advance payment certificate
- Identification number: SIRET (14 digits) identical to the SIRET number of the Provigis account
- Company name
- The check-off expiry date. Your certificate must be less than 6 months old.
Certificate of exemption from withholding tax
- Identification number: SIRET (14 digits) identical to the SIRET number of the Provigis account
- Company name
- The check-off expiry date. Your certificate must be less than 6 months old.
Certificate of exemption from withholding tax
(full year)
- Identification number: SIRET (14 digits) identical to the
SIRET of the Provigis account
- Company name
- The expiry date of the withholding tax exemption. (31/12 of the year concerned)