To reset your password from the login page, follow the steps outlined below:
1) Enter your login email and click "NEXT"
2) Select "Forgot your password?" tab, then on the next screen click on "Reset password".
3) A password reset email will be sent to the address provided.
Click on "Réinitialiser le mot de passe" to complete the operation.
🧐Good to know:
If you do not receive a notification, please check your junk mail. Also check that your mailbox manager accepts emails from no-reply addresses and/or the domain.
4) You will be redirected to the PROVIGIS website. Enter your new password, confirm it and click on "MODIFY".
📍 Make sure that the password you choose respects the following format:
- at least 12 characters
- at least 1 lower case
- at least 1 capital letter
- at least 1 number
- at least 1 special character
5) Once you have set your new password, return to the home page by clicking on the "Click here to log in" tab. Fill in your email address, then your password and click on "LOG IN" to access your PROVIGIS account dashboard.
🧐 Good to know :
If you have never logged in to PROVIGIS, we invite you to follow the registration procedure described in our dedicated article : Creation of my Provigis account and Log In